Employment Opportunities
澳博app是一个充满活力的学院, independent, Catholic school for girls in grades 7-12 sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. 欢迎所有信仰的女孩, the Academy provides transformational experiences that “teach them what they need to know for life.“我们的毕业生都是自信的女性,她们是终身学习者, spiritual seekers, 以及富有同情心的全球公民.
The Position
The 招生管理处处长 is responsible for the recruitment, selection, and enrollment of qualified students with and diverse abilities, backgrounds and cultures, 并保留现有的学生,他们将受益于澳博app的生活并为其做出贡献. 院长将负责制定和实施一项全面的全年入学和留校计划,通过通知外部机构来推广和营销学院, 包括未来的学生, families, middle school counselors & 教师和社区组织. The Director will embrace, support, 代表澳博app的使命和价值观,同时与其他管理人员合作, faculty, 工作人员将招生作为全校范围内的优先事项,并确保达到或超过年度招生目标.
- 制定和实施长期和短期的招生和保留策略,以确保每个班级的招生和保留目标全年都能实现.
- 招收并留住符合圣母玛利亚修女会特点的合格学生.
- 与教务处合作,制定并实施全面的营销计划,利用各种有创意的媒体和有针对性的活动来推广学院.
- Coordinates and implements ongoing internal and external programs, events, and activities that develop and maintain continued interest and visibility for students, families, and NDA.
- 在社区中有效地代表保密协议, 建立网络和培养关系,以招募和录取来自不同经历和背景的潜在学生,以协助招聘过程.
- 调动和协调教职员工, staff, administrators, students, parents, 和校友支持录取和留校.
- 培养与学校领导的关系, teachers, counselors, 其他学校的安置人员.
- 跟踪和维护客户关系管理数据,并提供有关潜在学生的透明报告.
- 提供入学预测, including local trends and relevant statistics throughout the admission and re-enrollment process.
- 与校长合作制定入学标准, admissions policies, and process for evaluating and making decisions on all applicants.
- Ensures an efficient and confidential management of applications and related student information.
- 与校长合作, 财务和行政总监以及首席晋升官执行奖学金计划并决定奖励分配.
- 与财务和行政总监合作,制定学费和财政援助政策,以最大限度地提高新生入学率和现有学生的保留率.
- Performs other duties as assigned that contribute to the success of NDA.
- Reports to the HOS/Principal; submits regular report on status of enrollment, attrition, potential candidates, impending activities, events and concerns; reports to Board of Trustees as directed by HOS/Principal
Essential Characteristics
候选人是一个经验丰富的专业和协作的领导者,具有很强的人际交往能力, 谁能通过与未来的学生和家庭以及更广泛的马萨诸塞州中部社区成员合作而充满活力. 理想的候选人可以作为澳博app的使命和价值观的真实和令人信服的大使, including the vision of the academic program as student-centered, 包括主动和应用的“现实世界”学习, congruent with and compatible with what we know about best practices in the dynamic, fast-changing, 互联互通的21世纪世界st century. 成功的候选人将具备:
- 领导和执行目标的能力.
- 教育领域的经验和对当代最佳实践的理解(对以学生为中心的学习和实践的理解), 课程与评估设计, 以及这个领域的一些问题和倡议, i.e., 探究式和/或项目式课程, proficiency-based grading, authentic assessment, etc.
- 判断力强,成熟,专业.
- 精力充沛,富有创造力和灵活性.
- Exceptional communication skills as a listener, writer and speaker who can connect authentically.
- Goal-oriented with an entrepreneurial approach, including solutions to complex issues.
- An ability to inspire, motivate, and engage others in the school community.
- Experience working in a fast-paced and team-oriented environment.
- 本科以上学历
- A minimum of 5 years of experience in admissions and/or marketing and communications, preferably at a Higher Ed institution or private secondary school is preferred.
- Experience with successful execution of marketing strategy and brand management.
- Experience working with a social media, e-communication and print collateral.
- Experience working with integrated technology applications in an educational setting is preferred.
- Excellent time management, project management and analytical skills.
- 需要在晚上和周末加班. 必须有有效的驾驶执照和可靠的交通工具才能在马萨诸塞州中部旅行.
- Competitive Pay
- Medical, Dental, Vision
- 雇主支付的人寿和伤残保险
- 403 (b)计划-雇主匹配
- 带薪假期、病假和私人时间
- 灵活的医疗支出计划
- Mileage reimbursement
Citizenship, 需要居留或工作签证.
WORK SCHEDULE: 招生管理主任是一个为期12个月的职位.
REPORTS TO: 招生管理主任向校长汇报工作.
Interested candidates should send a resume and cover letter to: Marilyn Tencza @ mtencza@zaccariaspa.net
Last Revised: January 2023
About NDA
我们在澳博app的教育理念, 一所面向7-12年级年轻女子的大学预备学校, 是建立在教育应该让学生为她们作为女性在世界上的角色做好准备这一信念之上的吗. 我们希望为圣母大学的学生提供机会,让他们更加了解自己生活中发生的事情,并为自己和社区承担责任. 为了学会做出负责任的选择, our students have the freedom to learn in a school dedicated to high academic standards, 让他们融入社区, 既要利用资源,又要为人民服务.
Position Summary
澳博app正在寻找一位充满活力和竞争力的教练来领导高中曲棍球项目. NDA教练积极参与社区活动, 并接受圣朱莉比利亚特的使命和价值观, 圣母玛利亚修女会和澳博app. The role of the 大学曲棍球教练 is to be responsible for coaching, 性格发展和指导学生运动员,使他们能够达到高水平的技能和欣赏纪律, 曲棍球中的体育精神和团队精神. This job requires you to interact thoughtfully and respectfully with student athletes, fellow coaches, staff, parents and community as well as follow the mission of the school. 积极的沟通策略、组织能力和安全意识是关键要求.
- 遵循和坚持澳博app的政策和使命宣言,并将澳博app项目的愿景传达给运动员和家长
- Oversee the development of all levels of the field hockey program.
- Must be able to travel with team with NDA issued transportation
- 指导和展示个人和团队发展所需的技能和技术.
- 协调家长会, tryouts, daily practice planning, game management, 淡季节目和社区参与
- 与体育主管密切合作,确保所有与体育项目(资格)相关的学校政策/程序都得到遵守, parent meetings, registrations, tryouts, scheduling, 设备库存/集合, 休赛期的训练计划等等.)
- Work directly with the athletic director in reporting injuries, 讲授预防措施和程序,确保员工和学生的安全,并帮助学生防止受伤.
- Create a safe environment conducive to learning and appropriate for the physical, social, 以及学生的情感发展.
- Ability to represent NDA appropriately to the NDA school community, 当地曲棍球社区, 新闻界和更广泛的社区
- 了解必要的承诺, expectations and pressures associated with being the head coach in a well-supported program.
澳博app致力于维护一个没有种族歧视的工作和学习环境, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, 遗传信息或残疾, 根据州和联邦法律的定义和要求. Additionally, 我们禁止对反对此类歧视和骚扰或参与平等机会调查的个人进行报复.
Job Requirements
- 高中(或以上)教练经验优先.
- NFHS教练认证基础
- 急救/心肺复苏/ AED证书
- 完成NFHS脑震荡运动课程
- 必须在一周内每天下午3:30左右开始练习和比赛,并与团队一起乘坐NDA巴士交通工具.
- Understanding of and compliance with all MIAA/NFHS regulations and expectations
- 需要公民身份、居留权或工作签证
- 能在充满各种挑战的环境中工作, deadlines, 还有各种各样的联系人
- Capable of moving and performing basic skill demonstrations during practice
- Able to carry equipment to and from sites throughout the season
Contact Information
Marilyn Tencza
Worcester, MA 01609 mtencza@zaccariaspa.net
Music Teacher Part-Time
Job ID:
About NDA
我们在澳博app的教育理念, 一所面向7-12年级年轻女子的大学预备学校, 是建立在教育应该让学生为她们作为女性在世界上的角色做好准备这一信念之上的吗. 我们希望为圣母大学的学生提供机会,让他们更加了解自己生活中发生的事情,并为自己和社区承担责任. 为了学会做出负责任的选择, our students have the freedom to learn in a school dedicated to high academic standards, 让他们融入社区, 既要利用资源,又要为人民服务.
Job Description
Job Title: Music Teacher
Responsible to: Principal
Last Revised: May 2024
Position Summary: Notre Dame Academy is seeking a part-time Music Teacher. Preferred candidates will have at least 3-5 years of teaching experience. 他或她是一个热情的人,表现出对音乐和教学的热情,建立了对这门学科的兴趣和掌握.
This position covers 2 sections of Music which meet every other day in 40 or 80-minute block periods; after school chamber chorale, glee club, and instrumental ensemble, 还会协助学校的音乐剧.
Essential Duties
Teach General styles of Music for middle and high school students
Piano skills
Singing abilities
Conduct singing groups
Preparing students for school concerts and planned music experiences.
Inspire and motivate students to extend themselves to after school music clubs.
Prepare course materials such as syllabi, homework assignments, and handouts
Maintain student attendance records, grades, and other required records
Evaluate and grade students' class work, assignments, and papers
Plan, evaluate, and revise curricula, course content, 以及课程材料和教学方法
Maintain regularly scheduled extra help hours in order to advise and assist students
Participate in school evaluation and professional development programs
Advise students on matters in accordance with the School’s mission
参加晚上或周末的活动, including meetings, professional development, or plays, musicals, and other activities
Other duties, as assigned
Position Type: Part-time
Positions Available: 1
Equal Opportunity Employer
澳博app致力于维护一个没有种族歧视的工作和学习环境, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, 遗传信息或残疾, 根据州和联邦法律的定义和要求. Additionally, 我们禁止对反对此类歧视和骚扰或参与平等机会调查的个人进行报复.
Job Requirements
Commitment to building 21st Century Teaching and Learning practices
能在充满各种挑战的环境中工作, deadlines, 还有各种各样的联系人
Work primarily in a traditional climate-controlled office environment
Work intermittently in outside weather conditions, including extreme heat and cold
Contact Information
Please send a cover letter, resume, and 3 letters of recommendation to:
Marilyn Tencza
Notre Dame Academy
425 Salisbury Street
Worcester, MA 01609